Conférence d’action politique de 2025
21 janvier 2025 à 17:00 Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain 255, rue Front ouest Toronto, ON M5V 2W6
Joignez-vous au Congrès du travail du Canada à Toronto les 20 et 21 janvier pour participer à notre Conférence de préparation à l’élection de 2025. Puisque les enjeux sont très élevés, perfectionnons nos compétences pour diriger des campagnes faisant passer les travailleurs et travailleuses avant tout. Approfondissez vos connaissances sur les principales questions, établissez des stratégies en vue de l’élection et alignez les objectifs de votre syndicat pour l’avenir.
Inscription en ligne***Les participants seront invités à choisir parmi l’un des groupes ci-dessous lors de leur inscription. Chaque groupe disposera de son espace de réunion lors de la conférence et comprendra deux ateliers.
Inscription des participants – Français – Groupe 1
Les enjeux et vous, examen approfondi
Fournir un aperçu détaillé des problèmes pour assurer une compréhension claire et renforcer la confiance. Expliquer comment lire et utiliser nos guides de message afin de contrer les points de discussion des conservateurs sur nos principaux enjeux et comment recadrer les questions en fonction de nos arguments
Comment vous approprier notre campagne stratégique
En utilisant notre stratégie de campagne comme exemple, solidifier la compréhension des aspects clés de toute stratégie fructueuse (objectifs, théorie du changement, public cible, tactiques, mesures de succès, échéanciers). Travailler avec les participants à l’élaboration d’un cadre pour leur propre stratégie qui appuie la campagne du CTC et les objectifs de leur syndicat/conseil du travail, tout en tenant compte des circonstances et des perspectives uniques de leurs membres.
Participant Registration – English – Group 1
The Issues and You, Deep Dive 1
Provide an in-depth overview of issues to ensure clear understanding to build confidence. Work through how to read and use our message guides to push back on Conservative talking points on our key issues and how to reframe questions to suit our narrative.
Making our Campaign Strategy your Campaign Strategy 1
Using our campaign strategy as an example, solidify understanding of the key aspects of any successful strategy (goals, theory of change, audience, tactics, measurements of success, timelines). Work with participants to develop a framework for their own strategy that supports both the CLC’s campaign and the goals of their union/labour council, while also considering the unique circumstances and perspectives of their membership.
Participant Registration – English – Group 2
The Issues and You, Deep Dive 2
Provide an in-depth overview of issues to ensure clear understanding to build confidence. Work through how to read and use our message guides to push back on Conservative talking points on our key issues and how to reframe questions to suit our narrative.
Making our Campaign Strategy your Campaign Strategy 2
Using our campaign strategy as an example, solidify understanding of the key aspects of any successful strategy (goals, theory of change, audience, tactics, measurements of success, timelines). Work with participants to develop a framework for their own strategy that supports both the CLC’s campaign and the goals of their union/labour council, while also considering the unique circumstances and perspectives of their membership.
Participant Registration – English – Group 3
The Issues and You, Deep Dive 3
Provide an in-depth overview of issues to ensure clear understanding to build confidence. Work through how to read and use our message guides to push back on Conservative talking points on our key issues and how to reframe questions to suit our narrative.
Empowering Issue-Based Campaigners in Election Campaigns 3
Identify and describe the differences between issue-based campaigns and election campaigns, highlighting how various tactics work better for one or the other. Identify and describe the differences between issue-based volunteers and election volunteers, highlighting the importance of recognizing this difference when trying to convert one into the other. Demonstrate various pathways to convert campaigners, and work with participants to identify which best suits their situation.
Participant Registration – English – Group 4
The Issues and You, Deep Dive 4
Provide an in-depth overview of issues to ensure clear understanding to build confidence. Work through how to read and use our message guides to push back on Conservative talking points on our key issues and how to reframe questions to suit our narrative.
Empowering Issue-Based Campaigners in Election Campaigns 4
Identify and describe the differences between issue-based campaigns and election campaigns, highlighting how various tactics work better for one or the other. Identify and describe the differences between issue-based volunteers and election volunteers, highlighting the importance of recognizing this difference when trying to convert one into the other. Demonstrate various pathways to convert campaigners, and work with participants to identify which best suits their situation.