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Les nouveaux-démocrates et leur chef Wab Kinew offrent les soins de santé renforcés et le changement positif dont la population du Manitoba a besoin

27 septembre 2023
Bruske : Il est temps que les Manitobains aient leur mot à dire. Rejetons la campagne négative de madame Stefanson et élisons un gouvernement du NPD

WINNIPEG – With the health care crisis getting worse and so many families struggling to get by each month, Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske explained that Wab Kinew and the NDP are offering the kind of change Manitoban workers are looking for in this election. 

“So many people are worried that health care won’t be there for their family when they need it. Or a personal care bed won’t be available for their parents,” explained Bruske. “But the reality is, we only get the change we want when we make our power felt at the ballot box. In this election, that means getting out to the polls and electing Wab Kinew premier of Manitoba with a strong mandate for the NDP on October 3rd.” 

While Heather Stefanson’s PCs offered negative attacks, Bruske said Wab Kinew and the NDP have been able to bring so many Manitobans together behind a constructive and inclusive message. 

“I know Wab Kinew. I have always been impressed with how much he cares about people and his ability to get things done. The way he’s brought together Manitobans from different political backgrounds, like Gary Doer and Lloyd Axworthy, just shows how he’s ready to lead our province,” said Bruske “Now it’s our turn as Manitobans to have our say. We have an opportunity to vote in a government that will bring in the kind of positive change we want.” 

Bruske added that the best way for Manitobans to respond to the negative campaigning of Heather Stefanson and the PCs is to mark their ballot for the optimistic and progressive ideas Wab Kinew and the NDP have brought to this election campaign. 

“We saw Heather Stefanson continue the Pallister legacy of broken promises. Four more years of heartless Stefanson-Pallister governments would be a disaster for our province. Fortunately, Manitobans are seeing through Stefanson’s fearmongering, and demonizing of workers,” concluded Bruske. “Let’s turn the page on handouts to billionaires and cuts to health and education. Let’s elect a government that will put help for people, stronger health care, respect for workers and good jobs back at the heart of Manitoba’s government.” 


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