L’exposé économique et financier doit faire passer les travailleurs et les familles avant tout
Bruske: A balanced approach starts with making profitable corporations pay their fair share so the government can deliver help to struggling workers and families
OTTAWA––Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to react to the Fall Economic Statement.
“Workers and families already bear too much of the burden for these tough economic times. As wages keep falling behind, families struggle to make rent, pay for groceries, or afford medicine when their child gets sick,” said Bruske. “Working people are looking to the government to invest in creating affordable housing, delivering publicly funded, publicly delivered pharmacare, fixing Employment Insurance and creating sustainable jobs while fighting climate change.”
Bruske added that not everyone has suffered, pointing out that oil corporations and others have seen record profits while their employees kept falling behind.
“Real fiscal responsibility starts with the government making profitable corporations pay their fair share,” added Bruske. “That’s a balanced approach that protects the programs and services people rely on. You can’t cut your way to prosperity.”
What: Comment on how the Fall Economic Statement affects workers and families
When: By arrangement
Who: Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress
To arrange an interview, please contact:
CLC Media Relations